Team Building – Communication – Delegating – Performance Management – Management Supervision – Sales Strategy
Communication — Focus on Listening:
Listening is an essential life and management skill, listening well has substantial impact on relationships and personal effectiveness. Listening affects the quality of relationship with customers, team members and others. We listen to obtain information. We listen to understand. We listen for enjoyment. We listen to learn. Listening is a skill that we can all benefit from improving.
- Able to resist the urge to focus on response – strengthened ability to listen for understanding
- Able to listen more effectively with empathy and concern — high impact on relationships
- Able to listen to create common understanding
- Able to listen, then respond and share effectively and appropriately
- Able to listen in ways that contribute to respectful and peaceful work environments
- Able to listen to feedback that improves and expands personal leadership effectiveness
- Able to listen so that we encourage Others to listen when we speak
Course Content:
- Learn to enjoy listening— process and practice
- Learn ‘drama free’ way to give and receive feedback
- Acquire and use The Magic Formula
- Develop and practice the elements of effective communication
- Listening practice exercise – process to decrease miscommunication
- Learn how to demonstrate that you are listening
- Learn how to diminish conflict and miscommunication